A typical Cub meeting will involve playing games and then maybe some badgework towards earning one of the many badges available to Cubs. More than anything else, we want everyone to come along and have fun.

Aged from 8 to 10½ Cubs Scouts can do pretty much everything their older brothers and sisters in Scouts can, but at a level appropriate to their age.
A Cub Pack will be divided into a number of Sixes, each named after a different colour. Responsible Cubs will be made Sixer or Seconder to help the Cub Leaders.
Meeting Times
Cubs meet each Thursday evening during term time from 6:45pm to 8:15pm at Oak Road in Crawley.
Camps and outings will be arranged from time to time and full details will be passed to parents and guardians and, of course, the Cubs in due course.
Read about our latest cub adventures on our News page.
Chief Scout’s Silver Award

To gain the Chief Scout’s Silver Award, a cub needs to gain 6 activity badges and also 7 challenge awards, so gaining this award is a real achievement for any Cub.
With our range of fun and adventurous activities, we hope all our Cubs will gain this award before it’s their turn to move on to Scouts.
Can You Help?

We are really fortunate to have a group of committed parents and leaders involved with the Cub Pack, but we are always looking for more help. All of our leaders are volunteers and we’d love you to get involved too. Help your son or daughter get the most out of their time with Cubs by coming along and helping out.
You’ll need to have a DBS check completed, but it really is a painless process! Come along and join in the fun at Cubs!