Scouts is open to both boys and girls aged 10 to 14. We meet on Wednesdays during term time at the hut from 7:15pm to 9:15pm.
There is a strong emphasis on learning how to do really cool things while having lots of fun at the same time.
At our weekly meetings we play games and sports, learn Scout skills and work towards Activity Badges and the Chief Scout Gold Award.
Scouting Activities

One of the best ways for Scouts to find out all about the the UK, its history, its wildlife, its changing seasons and weather is to explore it on foot, so 1st Crawley have monthly hikes throughout the year. These are usually in Sussex but we do venture out to the mountains twice a year.


The Scouts will have the opportunity to camp each term, either at our local campsite at Pease Pottage or anywhere in the UK. As well as being great fun, camping helps our Scouts to learn how to take care of themselves.
Basic Equipment Needs
There are a few things that the Scouts will need.
If we are away from the HQ then please make sure you bring the following:
- 25 litre daysack
- working torch – headtorch recommended
- waterproof coat & overtrousers
- strong shoes, e.g. hike boots NOT trainers
- woollen hat and a baseball cap
- watch
- full water bottle (1 litre)
- packed lunch
- blister plasters
Can You Help?

We are lucky to have a great team of uniformed leaders at 1st Crawley who are backed up by Occasional Helpers and Section Assistants but we are always looking for more people to get involved.
Volunteering to give local children wonderful memories and useful skills is extremely rewarding and a perfect way to pass on your own talents and interests.
If you would like to join us and help out, even in a small way, then don’t be shy, get in contact.
No experience necessary; training given; loads of fun to be had!
You don’t even have to wear a uniform if you don’t want to.