
What will it cost?

There is a £20 joining fee which is used to pay for a group t-shirt, group scarf plus any books and badges that your son/daughter will get when they are invested.

Our annual subscription is £180, paid in monthly instalments. Subscriptions are payable once your son/daughter is invested. This money is used to cover the costs of running our Beaver, Cub and Scout sections, for example the cost of meeting materials, badges, maintenance of the hut, utility bills, upkeep of equipment and extra insurance to cover everyone who joins us for activities and camps. These subscriptions are payable monthly, details on how to pay will be provided upon joining.

Also included in the subscription is the child’s annual Scout Association membership fee (which is paid on their behalf by the Group to Scout Headquarters), for the day-to-day running of the Association. The Scout Association membership fee includes insurance for all members of the Group.

We don’t want cost to stop anyone joining or participating. If cost is an issue, please speak to your section leader or the Group Scout Leader (GSL) in confidence. We’ll do what we can to help.